Please tell us about your project.

Thank you for your interest in Canyon Hydro. Since every aspect of a turbine system depends on knowing HEAD and FLOW, we'll need this information about your project to answer even the basic questions (including rough cost estimates).

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HEAD Measurement (required)

Please specify Gross (static) HEAD measurement as vertical distance OR pressure. (See Measuring Head for more information.)


FLOW Measurement (required)

Please specify FLOW measurement. (See Measuring Flow for more information.)

Other Site Information (Optional)

Please enter the following information and include your unit of measurement (feet, inches, centimeters, meters).

Electrical Requirements (Optional)

Canyon Hydro offers stand-alone systems to operate independently of the utility grid, as well as "grid interface" systems designed to synchronize and sell power to the electrical company. Please specify the type of system you wish to install:

Other Comments

Please tell us about your site, how the power will be used, and any other information you think will be helpful.